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We started in 2022 after extensive consultation with some of the pre-eminent wildlife biologists in Nebraska about constructing and modifying our habitat in the most beneficial way for conservation of both the land and the creatures that we love (and love to hunt). One of our largest goals is to help re-establish the flagging upland game populations in our area through breeding and re-introduction of quail and pheasants. We currently have over 710 acres of area designed specifically to be premium upland game habitat.

We also decided that the same old canned hunt scheme was just not going to cut it. Who really wants to hunt birds that are pen raised and have to basically be stepped on to be flushed? Our birds are raised and reintroduced throughout the year to help establish real wild populations back to the levels where they had been in years past. Our hunts are far more authentic as even though a lot of the birds have been bred by us, they are acclimated much younger to the real world for survival when released allowing for a much better percentage to reach maturity.  This allows populations to grow and spread out naturally and also provides a far better hunting experience.